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Three steps are needed:
- Read the document below. Many of your questions will be answered here.
- Consult "How to read the Lomza Yizkor Book Index document. This will help you
understand the issues involved when searching the database or browsing the printed format.
- SearchThe Index available in my basic online Search page
- SearchThe Index also available via's On Line Search page
If you want a printed version (for browsing purposes): get the full index....Become a "Registered User"
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However A free copy of the index and the Yizkor Book at the Church of Jesus Christ - Latter Day Saints (a.k.a.
"Mormons".) The microfilm is available at a nominal rate ($7.00 in 2005.) You may use CD-ROM for searching other resources for Lomza, Poland using the LDS Family History Centers (FHC). For the nearest FHC, Call the LDS at 1-800-346-6044 (option 3).
The LDS film number is 1,183,729 Items 3 and 4
This document
This document is designed for genealogical researchers who are
interested in research in the city of Lomza, Poland.
The 1992 Lomza Yizkor Book Index
In 1992 an effort was made to create an index of the "Sefer
Zikaron Le Kehilat Lomza" (Lewinski, Y.T.,ed; 1952, Tel Aviv,
Israel) also known as the Lomza Yizkor Book. The 1992 Index
included mostly transliteration of the indices that the editors of
the book has compiled themselves. These were a list of articles, a
list of photos and some miscellaneous listings of residents of the
Lomza and members of its Jewish community that seized to exist in
1942 during the Nazi occupation of Poland.
The 1992 Index contains 1,150 records.
The 1995 Lomza Yizkor Book Addendum Index
The 2nd Lomza Index was created in 1995 as a
complementary of the first one (1992). It includes every name of a
Jewish person that is mentioned in the text of the book. It does
not include, however, the names of the persons that are described
in the list of photographs, list of contributors and writers, etc.
Thus, any name found in the 1992 index is not directly duplicated
in the 1995 compilation. Of course, since descriptions and photos
go hand in hand, duplications do occur. Nonetheless, the attempt
was to capture the names and memories of individuals not yet
recorded in the "original" 1992 index.
The 1995 Index contains some 4,250 records.
- The method used in the 1995 index is similar to the one used in the 1992 index (see below). The main difference is that two variations spelling
were dropped (only one is used in the 1995 index). In addition, the
context of the event is briefly described, as well as the event's
year - if known.
- There are some notes to be made about the
transliteration and the structure of the index. Hebrew
letters are transliterated in this way: the letter Bet
and Vet are distinguished (that is, allowed a secondary
spelling), as well as Pey and Fey, Kuf and Chaf and Shin
and Sin.
- The Tzadik is transliterated TZ and the Chet or
Chaf as CH.
- Transliteration distinguishes between Sh and
S (eg. Finstein and Finshtein.) When a K sound appears
the letter K (and not C) is used, same with E (like Echo,
not I), or I (not Y).
- The O and U are not likely to be confused, however, a possible OO
becomes a U (eg. BOORSTEIN was entered as BURSTEIN).
- If you are looking for family names that starts with BEN- look for them
under the B500 soundex. KATZ are all originally spelled
KAT"Z which stands for Kohen-Tzedek.
- In many cases when I found a V sound I translated it as both V and W
letters, knowing the soundex's weakness with these cases.
The index is organized by last name Soundex. Since there
is only one variation of the last name's spelling, the readers are
advised to take precaution when reading names that beginning with
the following sounds:
B | B | V,W,V |
V | V | W
Z | Z | TZ, Z', J
Kh (Khet) | Ch | Kh, K
S (Samech) | S | SH
Tz (Tzadi) | Tz | C,Cs,Z
O (Oh) | O | U
U (yOU) | U | O,V
E (hEy) | E | A,V
I (In)I | I | E
Disclaimer & Copyrights
This compiled record is copyrighted. Duplication or
distribution of any kind is not permitted without consent of the
transcriber. Exception to this provisions are:
- That the duplicator does not receive money or services in
return to the copy of the Index, AND
- That the Index, as compiled and with all its parts is not
altered, added to or changed otherwise AND
- That the purpose of the distribution is stated clearly
and unambiguously by the recipient as being for
Genealogical Purpose only.
- No Liability, explicit or implied is associated with this
document. The document was submitted virus free and is
not known to cause any problems or alterations to
computer systems. However, the author of this document
disclaims any probable, possible or otherwise implied
cause of damage or affect of any kind. The consequences
of the use of this computer document is a sole
responsibility of its user and not of the document's
Contact Information
The Author of this document (Index) can be reached at:
Yigal Rechtman
c/o Person & Company
6 East 39 Street #601, 10th Floor
New York, NY 10016
Tel: +1-212-684-0011
For more information Email to
Yigal Rechtman.
Revised May 1998© Yigal Rechtman, New York.